I arrived early as always so that I could scout out pretty areas to photograph these two. In the meantime I had a little photo session with the Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, my favorite tree, the Eastern Hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, and the flying Tufted Titmouse, Parus bicolor.

When Mitch and Devon arrived, they brought along a few more creatures, Mitch's very own Sock Monkeys! Naturally, they had to be a part of the photo session because they seem just as in love as Mitch and Devon. It was a beautiful day and a fun photography session. Devon, a yoga teacher in Siler City, even took time to practice in front of the reflecting pond. Thanks for having me there Devon and Mitch!

It is wonderful to see Devon and Mitch so happy! In the months ahead leading to your wedding, and in all the years that will come, we wish you the best and love you dearly. Love,
Titi Andrea, Samantha, and Steven
I love the picture in which you focused on the sock puppets. I found the idea very clever and enjoyable to look at.
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