August 29, 2007

Architecture, Large Format

I used a Sinar large format camera to photograph the courthouse in Pittsboro, NC. I used a rear tilt forward to make the lines of the building plumb as is the industry standard in architectural photography. I chose to photograph this building early in the morning to get nice side light coming in from the East and a clear blue sky. For this capture I waited until a breeze came to allow the flags to show their colors.
Capture: Sinar large format camera,Ektachrome 4x5 film, processed E-6, scanned via Imacon Flextight Precision II scanner.

The image below is the old courthouse in Asheboro, NC. I photographed this with a group of fellow students. We collaborated on the composition of the photograph. This image also utilized the rear tilt forward for the plumbing of the lines. For a nice touch, we waited for clouds to pass over the courthouse before making our capture.

Capture:Sinar large format, Polaroid 55 4x5 film cleared in Na2SO3 and scanned via Imacon Flextight Precision II scanner.

1 comment:

Kathryn Whitehurst said...

I love this photo. We had a fun time in large format.