I've always dreamed of living in an open valley with mountains surrounding me where I could grow a garden and raise animals. As it is, I live in downtown Durham, with a much smaller yard... but I am still able to live my country life dream! Here are a few of the plants growing in my garden. I photographed a lot of the flowers, but we also have tomatoes, okra, brussel sprouts, onions, potatoes, lavender, tomatillos, kale and broccoli all growing in the front yard as well. It is fun going out before dinner to pick food to eat. I love how fresh everything tastes!
This is our little bungalow, with reprint orders in the mailbox and Chestnut on the lookout!
Native Bee Balm
Another view of our house (before we got the weed wacker working!)
Beautiful nasturtium. The flowers are a sweet and beautiful addition to a fresh salad.
We have garden peas and sweet peas that are just about to finish up their growing season.
Purple Speedwell
Fragrant sage
Basil and my grandmother's old watering can.
An orange lilly poking through the yarrow.
Perfect chard!
Some of you may be wondering where are the pictures of our chickens. They live in the back yard... here is an old post showing our Chickens! Now I'm hungry!
beautiful urban garden. setting a good example in the neighborhood!
Thanks Dana. A lot of the flowers you got us last year are blooming beautifully. Thank you so much!
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