Ahhh... nothing says spring like the sounds of chirping frogs and croaking toads. I gave a presentation at
Pecha Kucha on these guys,
Bufo americanus, by showing an audio visual slideshow the other week at the City Tap. I had a hard time distinguishing these toads from the Southern Toad because their range meets where I found these guys. Based on their phenotype and the fact that I found these toads in a stream (the Southern Toad apparently never mates in streams), I decided these were American Toads.
I will be leading a Summer Camp course this year at
Our Neighborhood School in Pittsboro, NC. I will be taking the children on adventures in BioPhotography. I will teach them the fundamentals of photography, and they will get to learn the biology behind anything in nature that interests them while they photograph their desired subject. If you would like to learn more, please call me at 336-972-0097, or Donna at 919-545-0900.